Game Info
- Overviews
- East India Company
- Pirate Bay
- Privateer
- Designer's Cut
- Battle of Trafalgar
- Collection
- Ship Introductions
- Designer's Blog
- Developer's Video Diary
- Modding Instructions-series
Music Player
Feature Screenshot
Modding Instructions
9th October 2009:
Modding part 6.
This time we learn how to translate the East India Company to your own language.
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Designer's Blog
15th July 2009:
Naval warfare, part II.
Lead designer Kim Soares takes the helm of a frigate and shouts: "Port side, FIRE!"
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Designer's Cut - free add-on
"In Designer's Cut we have made several improvements to the original game. These are things that we wanted to add
to the game to make it even better. Some features were chosen from the ideas presented to us by the EIC community.
This kind of feedback and suggestions from the active players is invaluable, as they have spent hundreds of hours
playing our game and know it inside and out."
- Kim Soares, Lead Designer.
- New port view - Completely redesigned 2D port view that is faster to access and more intuitive to use.
- Visual facelift - Improved visual on the strategic level. Improved particle effects on tactical battles.
- Islands on tactical level - Tactical battles can now be fought on island environment, providing new tactical elements. These replace old coastal and reef battles.
- New multiplayer modes - Two completely new multiplayer modes: Beehive and Breakthrough.
- Multiplayer improvements - Players are able to join multiplayer games in process as observers. Game listing shows players participating in ongoing game.
- Go to Home Port - Send selected fleet back to your Home Port with just single mouse click.
- Quick access to financial report - Click your money balance to immediately open the latest financial report.
- Quick access to Home Port - Enter your Home Port with single mouse click regardless if you have it on view or not.
- Surrender confirmation - Ordering a ship to surrender will require confirmation to prevent accidental surrenders.
- Select nationality in battles - You can choose nationalities for you and AI in single player battles.
- Number of ships in battle - Total number of ships is now shown for both sides in single player battles.
- Fleet destination port - You can now see at a glance the destination port for the fleet.
- Idle fleet audio cue - When fleet has no more orders player is notified with sound effect.
- Check relations when getting diplomatic offer - Player can now see the relationship with the AI company making the offer in the same window.
- Dynamic war declarations - AI war declaration messages now state why the other company decided to declare the war.
- MTI profit on port view - You can see the profit for port's MTI at a glance.
- Increased XP from trading - Commanders now get significantly more experience from trading, evening the situation between trade and war oriented commanders.
- Wait for full load - Fleet on automatic trading route can be set to wait for a full load at the destination port before returning to Home Port.
- Additional fleet information - Commander window now shows fleet's top speed, total value of goods onboard, destination port and estimated time of arrival.
- Auto resolve - Ships now have a chance to flee in auto resolved battles. Commanders and crew gain experience from auto resolved battles as well.
- Create new fleet after battle - Player is able to create new fleet right after the battle if there are more than five ships.
- History graph - Graphs for wealth, annual income, expenses and profit so that player can view her long term progress.
Designer's Cut is available for download on Oct 27.