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Modding tutorial 09 Oktober 2009:
Modding Teil 6.

This time we learn how to translate the East India Company to your own language.

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Blog 15 Juli 2009:
Naval warfare, part II.

Lead designer Kim Soares takes the helm of a frigate and shouts: "Port side, FIRE!"

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New Website Online!

29 Mai 2008


Welcome! The East India Company website has gone through a complete makeover. Both the visual outlook and site structure have been redesigned to reflect our progress.

The 'Homepage' hosts the latest news and access to the 'News Archive'. The 'Feature Screenshot' and 'Designer's Blog' can be accessed from all pages. Under the 'Game Info' section you can delve into the world of EIC by reading the 'Overview' and discover the wide array of game 'Features'.

The 'Gallery' highlights screenshots and concept art from the game, and in the very near future we'll be posting videos too!

To chat with other EIC fans, visit the Forum located at Lighthouse Interactive's website. In the 'Press' section you can find contact details for interview requests, photos of key personnel etc.

To receive the latest info, please subscribe to Lighthouse Interactive's newsletter and check East India Company.

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